Monday, 22 November 2010

Analysis of the student mgazine "Smaart Talent"

The masthead stands out and appeals to students as it is big, colourful and fresh. The graphics have a good range of colour and the picture stands out in the centre of the magazine. There is also a caption to anchordown the image and is also the main headline. There is an editorial on the front cover by the editor to let people know who the magazine is for. The typeface consists of various shapes and sizes which attract different levels of peoples attention. For example, the font of the price is hardly visible but the font of the headline is huge to encourage people to purchase it. There is no circulation on the front cover but it does tell you the issue number. The magazine's niche product/audience is students aged from around 16-21. The mode of address seems to be a magazine that is there to help students with uni cousre choices and things the magazine thinks students would find interesting.

Friday, 19 November 2010

I have decided to name my Student magazine - The Edition!!!
When would you like the student magazine to be released?
Yearly free polls
What are you looking for in a student magazine?
People's Opinions
Competitions and offers
College news
Wider news
Random facts and jokes
TV, film and theatre reviews
Career advice
Revision and studying techniques
Funny stories free polls

Monday, 15 November 2010

My name is Jack Purkis and this is my new blog. Below is a list of targets over the next four weeks for my media coursework;

Week 1
Set up blog
Create an action plan
Decide on name of magazine
Audience questionnaire/poll

Week 2
Organise photoshoot
Initial comparison of magazines

Week 3
Get audience feedback
Take photots
Edit photos
Create front cover and draft

Week 4
Final changes and alterations
Produce final copy